Friday 26 July 2024

Working on a Dungeon for the One Page Dungeon Contest


I’m currently working on a dungeon adventure for the One Page Dungeon Contest. Deadline is end of July.

I tested the adventure last weekend with two groups of kids. I think I made the giant mouse in room 1 a bit too strong. It almost killed the adventurers. Both groups didn’t have much trouble stealing a book from a dragon in room 7, though.

I first thought about using Das Schwarze Auge for play testing the adventure, the ruleset which got me into roleplaying, but then decided to give GURPS another try.

It took me a couple of days to re-read the rules.

I really like the game, it gives you a lot of creative freedom and the core rules are clear and simple.

The risk with GURPS is, of course, to get lost in the vast amount of information offered. Something which can also happen in real life. 😂

So last weekend I managed to run two role playing games with GURPS Lite without getting lost and we had lots of fun.

Friday 10 May 2024

Old Children's Sculpts

kids art

I’m working on two terrain pieces assembled from old sculpts my children made more than 5 years ago. I feel a bit like an archaeologist.



kids art

Tuesday 23 April 2024

Terror Bird

Kinder Surprise Egg bird

I’m currently painting a Kinder Surprise Egg bird from the Natoons series. 

I’m a bit stuck with the project. The miniature doesn’t have sculpted feathers, so I decided to paint feathers which takes much more time than I originally thought.

While I’m confident that I can finish painting this bird soon, my original plan was to paint six terror birds to use them as a unit of lesser war beasts in Dragon Rampant or for other games.

a unit of Kinder Surprise Egg birds

By the speed I’m going this might take all year …

Monday 15 January 2024

Bit Box

Two years ago my son took apart all of his toys and put the pieces in ziplock bags, separating screws, motors, batteries, plastic parts etc.

He made some fantastic looking machines. Then he lost interest. 

a lot of toys

It has become a tradition in my family to take out boxes filled with old toys at the beginning of the year, take a look at them and sort out as much as we can. This year we were able to give away a lot of plush toys, a doll, two light sabers and a wooden puzzle.

bit box

Inspired by the work of Ana Polanšćak I kept this bit box. I hope to make something out of it eventually, a terrain piece, a steampunk robot, a vehicle, I don’t know yet …

Wednesday 27 September 2023

Gorgon Hoplite Shield


I made a shield out of polymer clay, green stuff and Milliput. It has a diameter of 40 mm. I might use it as a shield for some scratch built hoplites later.