Friday 26 July 2024

Working on a Dungeon for the One Page Dungeon Contest

dungeon map

I’m currently working on a dungeon adventure for the One Page Dungeon Contest. Deadline is end of July.

I tested the adventure last weekend with two groups of kids. I think I made the giant mouse in room 1 a bit too strong. It almost killed the adventurers. Both groups didn’t have much trouble stealing a book from a dragon in room 7, though.

I first thought about using Das Schwarze Auge for play testing the adventure, the ruleset which got me into roleplaying, but then decided to give GURPS another try.

It took me a couple of days to re-read the rules.

I really like the game, it gives you a lot of creative freedom and the core rules are clear and simple.

The risk with GURPS is, of course, to get lost in the vast amount of information offered. Something which can also happen in real life. 😂

So last weekend I managed to run two role playing games with GURPS Lite without getting lost and we had lots of fun.


  1. I recently became a fan of Arnold "goblinpunch" K.'s Copper GLOG for a light rulesystem and even made a session I had with my son into a one-page -dungeon. Now your post reminds me that the contest exists and I should have waited two weeks for that...

    Good to see you posting!
