Tuesday, 27 September 2022

A T Rex out of a Kinder Surprise Egg

T Rex

A dinosaur from the movie Ice Age that came out of a Kinder Surprise Egg.

T Rex

I put him/her/it on a 40 mm base. The beast is ready for painting now. (Ok. I still need to remove some mold lines.)


  1. I love finds like this! He/she/it looks a bit wacky right now but I'm sure a good paint job will look cool. Will there be a rider?

    1. I want to paint it like a T Rex from the movie Jurassic Park. I want to use the miniature as a big beast without a rider, but it would certainly look great with a rider as well.

  2. Excellent work! He looks the part.
    Alan Tradgardland

  3. Wow 10 Years! I always remember that I told you Blogs are death. But you proved it that your blog is a little exception. Congrats!

    1. Thanks a lot, Jörg! Looking through old blog posts I noticed that we have been playing tabletop games since 2013. Wow.
